China and North-East Asia Guide - Travel and Review
A site in both Polish and English containing several texts about life in China (don't eat and read the food section at the same time!), & photographs.
China the Beautiful
Makes a refreshing change from all the wheeling-and-dealing China websites. Its art, poetry and language pages are both stunning and informative.
China News Digest
A vast, regularly updated scrapbook of history, politics and culture.
Wow China
A grab bag of folk art, traditional culture, food, tea and all things Chinese.
The China Experience
Chockers with links to every Sino-cultural experience you could possible have - from pottery to poetry to papercutting.
An amusing site with some writing about China, as well as some humorous and different photographs and illustrations.
Inside China Today
The latest breaking news on all things Chinese.
Wee Keng's Homepage
The photos on Wee Keng's Homepage are so beautifully framed and shot you'll be putting Yunnan on your travel itinerary.
Even if you're not planning on going to Guangxi, this delightful website has enough Chinglish purple prose to last a thousand years in the Middle Kingdom!
With bulletin boards, features, and classifieds, this website is full of local tips from those living and working in Shanghai.
Links to just about everything Sino on the web.
The Karakoram Highway and Beyond
An inspirational account of a fifty-something couple's cycle trip through the farthest corner of China. Hot tips, cold hard reality, and heaps of adventure.
Yunnan and China
Pictures and information about Yunnan and other places in China. It's in French, oh oui. Pops-ups aplenty to drive you fou.
The heavyweight in the facts and figures division, with the emphasis on business travellers and investors.
Chinese Character Genealogy
An interesting guide to the history of Chinese characters and also has information on pronunciation.
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