Hungary and Europe Guide - Travel and Review

#1 Tourist Info
Mainly designed to search lodging in Hungary, this site also offers limited information on things to see and do.
Gay Guide.Net Budapest
Budapest has been called the gay metropolis of Eastern Europe, and they can prove it by listing all the upcoming events, gay-owned and/or operated accommodations and a must-cruise gay dictionary.
It's catalogued and search-engined, but itï¾’s also in Hungarian.
Hungarian Recipe Index
June Meyer's site is full of traditional recipes of artery-clogging deliciousness. Some of them date back to pagan times, which probably explains why they aren't around anymore.
Hungarian National Tourist Office
It's a standard tourist board site in many ways, although the Hungarian government also realises that current events, weather and measurements are also important.
Talking Cities
Talkin' Budapest. All the sights, all the flights, all the clubs, all the pubs.
Statue Park Museum Budapest
Go and see what monuments were hung up to dry when Communism was washed up.
Nb = 7