Karasjok and Norway Guide - Hotels and Review

Karasjok Engholm husky hostel *** - Engholm Husky - 9730 Karasjok - Finnmark - Norway - email: karasjok.hostel@vandrerhjem.no
Engholm's Husky hostel is a "different place", situated next to Karasjohka river, 6 km outside of Karasjok. The wood heated sauna is very cosy and is very popular. The 'Barta' - a special turf covered log house where we gather around the open fire sitting on reindeer furs with special food and good drinks. Our farm consists of 40-50 highly trained sled dogs for long-distance racing and tours, ruff riding horses for summer enjoyment. The cosy log houses at the lodge was built by Sven himselve.
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